First step
To get started, simply subscribe to our paid service for $10. Gain access to our premium trading signals for 3 months, 6 months, & 12 Months meticulously crafted through technical analysis.
Our secret sauce? Cutting-edge AI-powered divergence scanner software, exclusively developed by our expert team.
Achieve your first 200% profit milestone
At this stage, share your promo code with 10 individuals. Once 10 people subscribe to our services using your code, you'll not only recoup your initial $10 investment but also earn a 200% profit, totaling $30.
Earn an additional $250.
To qualify for a $250 bonus from us, you need a total of 100 subscribers, whether they are directly in your network or part of your referrals' networks. For instance, if you share with 10 individuals and each of them shares within their own networks, resulting in a total of 100 subscribers under your network, you'll receive $250 from us. The counter resets to zero after each bonus is rewarded, and if your network reaches 100 subscribers again, you'll receive another $250. This cycle continues endlessly, offering you ongoing opportunities for bonuses.